Jesus said, "Therefore, go..."

Faith Lutheran Church exists to serve the communities of northwestern Illinois by teaching the good news about Jesus Christ and by serving those in need. We want you to know that Jesus Christ lived, suffered, died, and rose to save you from your sins and to give you the sure hope of eternal life. We invite you to be part of our family at Faith. 

Faith, Elizabeth

worship Service

Sundays at 8:30 AM

Midweek Lenten Services - Wednesdays at 7:00 PM


812 US Hwy 20 W
Elizabeth, IL 61028

Directly across the highway from Jo-Carroll Energy. 


Our History

In the mid-1960s, Pastor Frederick E. Bartling and several families founded Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church in Elizabeth, Illinois. With another group of families, Pastor Bartling founded Our Savior Lutheran Church in Freeport, Illinois. From small beginnings, both congregations grew and for many years supported their own pastors and individual mission focuses. Today, their stories intertwine more than ever. In 2017, Our Savior and Faith decided to pool their resources and utilize the same pastor. They now work together to reach and help the community.